Nausea and Vomiting

Treatments available for Nausea and Vomiting

The feeling of nauseousness is far from pleasant. Fortunately we have a range of effective treatments to help you feel better fast.  Browse our trusted products and expert recommendations to find the perfect solution for your needs. 

About Nausea and Vomiting

What is Nausea?

Nausea is an uneasy sensation that you feel the need to vomit, however it does not always lead to vomiting. Nausea is not a condition in its own right as it is often a symptom of other conditions. Some common causes can include; viral infections which can be also known as a 'stomach flu', eating or drinking too much, food poisoning, pregnancy and motion sickness or seasickness.

Nausea is often nothing to worry about in adults and will often clear within a day or two. How ever if it is persistent bouts of nausea that you are experiencing you should seek the help of your GP.

What are the symptoms of Nausea?

Nausea symptoms can be quite hard to describe. Nausea symptoms are not always painful but can be extremely uncomfortable sensations felt often in the chest, upper abdomen, or at the back of the throat. Nausea can be associated with;

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Diarrhoea
  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Abdominal Pain

How is Nausea diagnosed?

It can be quite difficult to diagnose nausea specifically, as usually it is a symptom of another condition. However frequent nausea can result in vomiting and if this persists for longer than 48 hours, we would recommend going to your GP.

If your nausea is associated with motion sickness this can often be dealt with at a pharmacy, where you are able to buy medication over the counter. Although in severe cases you can consult a GP to get prescribed motion sickness medication.

Finally in more severe cases where nausea leads to bouts sickness where blood is present in the vomit will indicate a condition that requires urgent attention, and you should go to the hospital immediately.

What treatments are available for Nausea?

There are many treatments used to treat nausea. Each treatment used will depend on the cause of your nausea. If you are experiencing persistent episodes of nausea, it may be that you have to see your GP and it will be down to their discretion on what they decide to prescribe or recommend.

In cases where a migraine is causing the nausea, which is fairly common. A drug called Buccastem M may be used, This is a tablet which is placed in the cavity between the gum and top lip. Buccastem M is made up of 3mg of Prochlorperazine and is made into something called a Buccal Tablet.



Non-medicinal alternatives for Nausea

There are quite a few forms of therapy associated with help to reduce or control nausea. These methods will not work as quickly as medication, however they are often a good place to start. There is nothing stopping you from combining these methods with medication if it is needed.
These methods try to reduce nausea and vomiting by:

  • Helping you feel relaxed
  • Distracting you from what’s going on
  • Helping you feel in control
  • Making you feel less helpless

Below are some non-medicinal treatments that may help. Most of them have few or no side effects, how ever there is very little scientific evidence that shows this works.


Self-hypnosis can be used to make behaviour changes to help control nausea and vomiting.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation teaches a person to relax by progressively tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. It’s been used to decrease the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

Acupuncture or acupressure

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique where very thin needles are put into the skin. There are a number of different acupuncture techniques, including some that use pressure rather than needles (acupressure). Some studies have found it may help treat anticipatory nausea.

The 3-Step Process to getting your treatment

3 Simple Steps
1. Select Treatment & Complete Questionnaire
Choose your treatment and fill out a safety questionnaire.
2. Review by Clinician
Your request will be reviewed by a suitable clinician.
3. Treatment Delivered
The treatment will be delivered to you.