A cold sore is a virus that can be caught from something as simple as sharing a lip balm. It typically starts as a tingling, burning sensation somewhere around the mouth. This can then spread to your nose and/or cheeks.
Cold sores (also known as fever blisters) are caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is a similar strain of the virus that causes genital herpes infections and the herpes zoster virus which causes chickenpox and shingles.
Cold sores can be triggered by a range of issues, from the weather to your mood. These are some of the most common cold sore triggers:
- Changes to your hormone levels
- Being out in a cold wind
- Weak immune system
- Exposure to the hot sun
- Having a cold
- Stress
As symptoms of cold sores develop, they often appear as clusters of small, fluid-filled blisters that burst and become dry and crusty. Cold sores are very contagious from the moment you feel the tell-tale tingling sensation. Without treatment, most outbreaks will clear within 10 days.
It’s common for people to get recurrent cold sores in the same places. This is because the virus lives dormant in the nerve cells of your skin, reappearing once it’s triggered.
Aciclovir can help to clear up cold sores more quickly, with noticeable results within five to seven days. For the best results, when using this treatment it should be taken as soon as you feel an outbreak coming on. Taking painkillers and drinking plenty of non-alcoholic fluids can also help to make you feel more comfortable.