Reading the following warnings carefully will help to ensure you are selecting an appropriate product.
Microgynon 30 is unsuitable for you if you have:
- Ever had a blood clot
- A history of heart attack or stroke
- Any other circulatory problems
- Ever had breast cancer
- Impaired liver function
- Severe migraines with visual disturbances
- An allergy to any of the ingredients of Microgynon 30.
You may be advised not to take Microgynon 30 if you suffer from any of the following conditions:
- Heightened fat levels in the blood
- High risk of blood clots
- Sickle-cell anaemia
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Kidney disease
- Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
- Varicose veins
- Diabetes
- An inflamed pancreas
- Inflamed veins under the skin
- Obesity
- Porphyria
- Migraines.
Do not use Microgynon 30 if you have breast cancer, or if you have had it before. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives may slightly increase your chance of developing breast cancer. Once you have stopped using the Pill for at least 10 years, your risk levels will come back down. Women who are elderly and/or overweight are more vulnerable to breast cancer. Take care using Microgynon 30 if a close relative has suffered from breast cancer before. Check your breasts and nipples regularly for any changes or lumps. If you notice anything abnormal, visit your doctor as soon as you can.
Though the risk is slightly lower than for other contraceptives, you may be more susceptible to blood clots while taking Microgynon 30, especially during the first year of use. Talk to your GP before having any operation while taking the Pill. You may need to stop using Microgynon 30 in advance of the operation to avoid the increased risk of a blood clot. You are also at a heightened risk of developing a blood clot if you:
- Smoke
- Are obese
- Have a family history of blood clots
- Do not exercise regularly
- Have had a miscarriage in the past
- Have recently given birth.
Microgynon 30 may increase your chance of developing cervical cancer. For this reason, you should have regular smear tests while taking the Pill.
If you require any blood test, inform your doctor of which medicines you are taking – Microgynon 30 may alter the results of some blood tests.